When To Use Concealed Deck Fasteners: A Contractor's Guide
Written by Liza Sivek onWant a clean, minimalist wood deck? Concealed deck fasteners are a popular choice, hidden from the eye. But are they right for your project? Learn when, how, and what kind of hidden deck fastener to use to ensure a durable, long-lasting deck.
Picture framed deck using brown Ipe wood as the main decking, a lighter golden-brown Garapa wood border, and concealed Mataverde Eurotec Deck Clips for an uninterrupted appearance
The Pros and Cons of Concealed Deck Fasteners
The Allure of Concealed Fasteners
Concealed fasteners offer a clean, uncluttered look that elevates the aesthetic appeal of your deck. By hiding the hardware you create a modern, minimalist design that's both stylish and timeless.
The Trade-Off Is Strength vs. Aesthetics
While concealed fasteners offer significant aesthetic benefits, they are not appropriate for all deck types and are not as strong as face screws.
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Concealed Fasteners v. Face Screws
Concealed deck fasteners offer a beautiful, clean look. However, they have limitations.
Keep in mind that exterior deck boards are exposed to all sorts of weather extremes. Heat. Rain. Snow. Exposure to direct sunlight. Natural wood decking expands and contracts with moisture content. All the time. Yes, even kiln dried hardwood decking. Here’s key things you should know about concealed fasteners versus the traditional face screws method.
Understanding Decking Face Screws
How They Work:
Directly screwing deck boards into your deck joists is the strongest fastening method. Period. Bugle head decking screws, slightly countersunk into the top of the deck board are the strongest screws for fastening decking.
If you don’t like the look of larger screw heads on your decking, but still want the strength of face fastening your decking, here are a couple of other options:
- Countersink your screws and use plugs to hide the fasteners. Although this is more labor intensive, wood plugs are available to match all wood decking species.
- A third option is ‘trim-head’ deck screws. These are not as visible a bugle head screws but fasten fairly well with hardwood decking.
Understanding Concealed Fasteners
How They Work: Not all concealed deck fasteners are alike, so compare your options carefully!
Across the board concealed fasteners utilize a variety of mechanisms. This includes clips, screws, or other components. their job is to secure the deck boards without exposing hardware on the surface.
The Mataverde Eurotec Deck Clip is engineered to be the best hidden deck fastener of the bunch. It has a black finish for low visibility. It’s all stainless steel for greater strength and durability, and longer for better holding power.
- Concealed fasteners typically only attach through one edge of a deck board. The other edge of the deck board is free to ‘float’. As wood deck boards dry, they shrink. When wood decking picks up moisture they expand.
Diagram of the Eurotec concealed deck clip installation
Enhanced aesthetics with a clean, uncluttered appearance
When used with the narrower decking boards (4" nominal), your fastening power increases.
Reduced holding strength compared to face-screwed decking.
Not recommended for low clearance decks (under 30") decks, or decks that lack adequate ventilation.
Mataverde Eurotec Concealed Deck Clip in a pre-grooved wood decking board
Best Deck Types for Concealed Fasteners
Concealed Deck Fasteners work best where there is lots of clearance. Suitable deck projects include:
More than 30” (minimum) clearance from the bottom of the deck to the ground.
Adequate under-deck ventilation on three sides of the deck. Cross ventilation is best.
Properly pitched and drained ground below the deck.
Eurotec deck clips were chosen for this now-weathered Jatoba wood front porch deck. The deck clip has remained strong and stable.
Best Decking Material Size for Concealed Fasteners
The closer your deck is to the ground, the more important using thicker and narrower deck boards becomes. Narrower decking boards increase your placement of fasteners by 50%, in turn strengthening the installation.
Your deck will look and perform better with these optimal deck board sizes and concealed fasteners:
Thicker decking (21-mm or 5/4 nominal thickness).
Narrower decking (4” nominal).
Using pre-grooved wood decking is a great time saver. Another option is to use a woodwork biscuit cutter to create a slot for your hidden deck clips.
- Hardwood decking is ideal for use with hidden fasteners
How the Eurotec Deck Clip Saves You Time and Money
The Mataverde Eurotec Deck Clip is engineered for strength and durability.
100% Stainless steel fastener won’t rust, rot, or degrade.
Designed for pre-grooved decking to speed up installation time.
Will not split your wood decking, saving frustration and repairs.
Coated black so they practically disappear when installed.
The extra long clip is 1-7/8 inches long. Engineered at the perfect length to align your deck board provide superior holding power.
Closeup detail of a Eurotec deck clip installed in a board
Factors to Consider Before Using Concealed Fasteners
If your deck project does not meet all the requirements below, don’t use concealed deck fasteners!
No hidden or concealed deck clip is perfect for all decks. If your deck project does not meet all the requirements below, don’t use concealed deck fasteners! In that case. using face screws is a better option.
Fix as many moisture related problems before constructing any outdoor deck. Moisture is the biggest enemy of all exterior woods. If you can’t control the moisture below your deck, natural wood deck boards are very likely to ‘cup’ and behave poorly.
Mataverde stainless steel wood deck screw
So, determine these facts before building the deck
Ensure your deck has at least 30 inches of clearance from the ground to allow for proper ventilation and prevent moisture buildup. Aim for ventilation on at least three sides of the deck. Good air circulation is crucial for the health of your deck.
It is always critical to plan for proper under-deck drainage for any decking project. Fix any moisture related problems before constructing any outdoor deck! Moisture is the biggest enemy of all exterior woods. If you can’t control the moisture below your deck, natural wood deck boards are likely to ‘cup’ and behave poorly.
Good air circulation is crucial for the health of your deck. Aim for ventilation on at least three sides of the deck.
Narrower, thicker deck boards, such as 5/4 x 4 or 21mm x 4, are ideal for concealed fasteners. Thicker boards provide better stability and strength. Narrow boards minimize the gap between them as they expand and contract and allows more top-side ventilation space. Also, narrow boards offer more places to fasten with concealed deck clips and increase strength.
Choose fasteners that are specifically designed to withstand the local climate and weather conditions. In harsh climates, consider the impact of extreme temperatures and moisture on concealed fasteners. For instance, all-stainless steel clips will withstand all weather conditions better than ones with plastic parts.
Tips on Choosing the Right Fastener:
Once you narrow down the type of fastener you want, follow these pro tips.
Select fasteners that are labeled as compatible with your decking material (e.g., hardwood, composite).
Consider the steps needed and the tools required to install the deck clips.
Check for durability and resistance to corrosion.
Proper Installation Techniques:
It may seem obvious, but structural safety is extremely important in a deck, with any type of deck fastener. Always keep the following in mind when installing deck fasteners:
Follow the manufacturer's specific instructions for installation.
Use precision and care and pay attention to details. Ensuring proper alignment and fastening makes for a better and safer deck.
While concealed fasteners can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your deck, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons and choose the right fastening method for your specific project. By carefully considering the factors discussed in this guide, you can make informed decisions and ensure the long-term performance and beauty of your deck.

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