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If you are building a new home, or replacing the siding on an existing home, you have a decision to make. Should you invest in premium siding, or try to keep your upfront costs as low as possible? Before deciding, consider this: does the short-term savings of a cheaper siding outweigh the long term cost savings and your home value?
Premium siding materials like Pura NFC by Trespa, look great and add value to your home.
High end siding and premium cladding options may cost you more up front. However, the increased value of your home can more than offset the initial cost difference. And you can’t put a price tag on your years of enjoyment of a beautiful new home façade.
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Thermally modified Hemlock siding is made by taking kiln dried Hem Fir softwood boards and placing them in a vacuum kiln using steam and temperature. The result is a more beautiful, more stable, and more durable wood siding material. Mataverde thermally modified Hem Fir siding is available in either a traditional tongue and groove (T&G) profile or a 1x6 rainscreen profile.
Thermally modified hemlock siding is naturally beautiful and long lasting
High-density tropical hardwood siding performs at an exceptionally high level. They are very durable, long lasting and decay and insect resistant. They are also very beautiful real wood siding materials. Hardwood siding is strong and durable enough that it does not to be refinished after your initial coat wears off.
You can let your hardwood siding mellow to a silvery gray driftwood tone for a low maintenance real wood siding option. If you choose this low maintenance option, your overall lifecycle costs will be crazy low. Or you can refinish your hardwood siding whenever you wish to maintain a ‘like-new’ wood look.
Installing hardwood siding in a rainscreen system adds to the longevity of the wood itself. And a well-designed rainscreen improves the health and protection of your home.
Ipe wood siding is the best known of the high-density hardwood materials. Ipe is lighter to darker tones of brown with lots of tropical graining and figuring. Long lasting, highly durable and naturally beautiful.
Ipe rainscreen siding installed vertically on home exterior
Jatoba wood is also known as Brazilian Cherry. Jatoba is long lasting and has beautiful pale tan colors and cherry tones, with some grain variations and tropical figuring.
Jatoba Brazilian Cherry exterior siding is a long lasting naturally beautiful premium siding option
Machiche is a premium FSC Certified wood siding option. Machiche is durable and beautiful. Expect some chocolatey color tones with some darker grained accent lines and tropical figuring variations.
FSC Certified Machiche wood siding is a premium cladding option
Garapa is a lighter toned hardwood siding option with golden yellow and honey amber tones. Garapa is durable and beautiful and will show off some tropical grain variations.
Award winning home design featuring Garapa wood rainscreen siding
HPL siding has been specified in commercial architectural project designs for decades. Manufacturers like Trespa International have led the way. Trespa developed Pura NFC siding for residential projects and light commercial designs. Pura NFC is manufactured to precise tolerances and performs extremely well. Pura NFC siding is the same high-performance material as Trespa’s exterior wall panels, except they are precut into siding planks.
Pura siding is available in a few Lumen (matte finish) decors, and several wood decors that emulate the look of real wood siding. The Pura wood decors look like the nicest pieces of beautiful wood you could possibly expect. All Pura cladding decors are easy to clean and super low maintenance. Easy to install and never needs refinishing throughout its lifecycle. Pura NFC siding by Trespa adds value to your home from the moment you install it.
Trespa Pura NFC siding is a premium cladding option with exceptionally low maintenance